Digital Marketing Strategy, Ideas, and Tips for Manufacturing Companies in 2023

Digital Marketing Strategy, Ideas, and Tips for Manufacturing Companies in 2023

Manufacturing industry is evolving fast, and its marketing strategies are maturing faster. A large number of manufacturers are allotting a sizable spend for digital marketing and digital sources. The move has yielded excellent results for manufacturing companies. When a manufacturing company sets up a measurable goal and follows the right marketing strategies, it helps drive successful digital campaigns. The statistics of digital marketing for manufacturing companies speaks volumes. Let’s have a look.

Statistics of Digital Marketing for Manufacturing Companies

      • 94% of the B2B buyers research online before making the purchase decision of any manufacturing related product. Source:
      • 82% of the manufacturing companies with large budget for digital marketing, reported consistent and increased successful results. Source:
      • 98% of manufacturers trust some form of paid content promotion for their marketing. Source:
      • 40% manufacturing companies claimed that they achieved significant cost saving by opting for digital marketing techniques. Source:
      • 71% of manufacturing companies state ‘lead generation’ as their primary organizational goal. Source:

    85% of the manufacturing companies rely on content marketing for their promotion. Source:

  • 58% of the manufacturing organisations make the use of website analysis to know more about their target audiences. Sources: .

Well Planned Strategy is the Key

“To be strategic is to concentrate on what is important, on those few objectives that can give us a comparative advantage, on what is important to us rather than others, and to plan and execute the resulting plan with determination and steadfastness.”- Richard Koch

Since most of the B2B clients trust internet and digital media, a well-planned and active digital presence is a must for brand building and customer acquisition. Every manufacturing company should take steps to develop and implement a thoughtful and result-oriented digital marketing strategy. Here are some of the best, tried-tested-trusted digital marketing strategies for manufacturing companies.

Focus on Manufacturing Website Development

“Your website is the window of your business. Keep it fresh, Keep it exciting.”-Jay Conrad Levinson

Investing in a website is a must for every manufacturing company, big or small. In the dynamic and fast paced world of today, a website is a key driving factor of the marketing strategy of a manufacturing company. Website has been acknowledged as an effective lead generation tool for driving business growth. A strategically designed B2B website has some crucial elements.

  • It should be modern and minimalistic, with simple and clear navigation
  • Is should be engaging and interactive with smart use of videos, scrolling foregrounds and banners etc
  • It should have a CTA (Call to Action) at a prominent place along with a lead generation form
  • It should have effective content marketing and high-quality images
  • It should contain e-storefront if the manufacturing company aims at online selling

“Digital Marketing begins with a Website”

It is true that your website promotes you 24X7. Naturally, it is your most valuable growth partner. Your website might be well designed and appealing, but is it properly optimized to rank higher in the search engine? Before planning to create a great website, you must be aware of important web design related statistics. Here are some crucial facts with numbers.

  • Currently there are 370.7 million registered domain names in the world. Source –
  • 94% of the audience’s first impressions about your website are related to the design of your website. Source –
  • 75% of the credibility of the website is the result of an attractively designed website.
  • 74% of the users may return to the website if it is mobile friendly. Source –
  • 73.1% of web designers believe that a non-responsive design is a top reason why visitors leave a website. Source –
  • 50% of consumers believe that website design is crucial to a business’s overall brand.
  • 53.9 percent of all retail ecommerce is expected to be generated via mobile devices. Source –
  • 85% of shoppers say product information and pictures are important to them when deciding which brand or retailer to buy from. Source –
  • 57% of internet users say they won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed website on mobile. Source –

Having read these statistics, what matters is the way you put these insights to work for you, as a trusted manufacturing company, to design a website that will be a winner all the way. Developing and designing a visually appealing website that captures and retains attention is the first step ahead. Hiring a a professional website design agency to do the task is the best way to invest in your manufacturing brand.

The Importance of a Website

Every manufacturing company needs a website. Customers do visit the website before making the buying or investing decision. Consequently, the online presence of any business has a huge impact on its success. Having or not having a website can affect your revenue directly. Have a look at some top reasons why an excellent and high-ranking website is a must have.

Increase Trust

Market is teeming with competition. The same products and services as yours, are available and visible. Having a well-designed and content-rich website is your plus point. It communicates to your existing and prospective customers the strengths of your company and enhances the reliability factor.

Showcases Strengths

A website showcases the quality information about your Manufacturing company- the brand personality, philosophies and vision of your company, your core values, range of your products or services, infrastructure, factories or manufacturing set-ups, capabilities, future plans and so on. It communicates the best you have and the differentiating factors from your competitors.

Website Generates Leads

A quality Manufacturing Company website is your gateway to generate leads. When interested parties or people locate your website online, they view your products, services and brand story. The website has your contact details, so you are easily accessible. This results in lead generation and business growth.

Brings organic traffic. A manufacturing company with an SEO-optimized website has a better chance of appearing in Google search results. When people are looking for specific products or services, your website will show up in the results. This will strengthen your customer base and also fetch you new customers and business opportunities.

Good ROI

Investing in a professionally designed website benefits a manufacturing company in more ways than one. Looking at how expensive the traditional advertising media are, designing, developing and maintaining a website is very cost effective and value for money. A website gives excellent Return on Investment.

What are the features of a Good Website?

  • Well-organized
  • Easy to navigate
  • Uncluttered and concise
  • Modern, globally appealing
  • User-friendly
  • Visually appealing
  • Inspiring

Elements of a Manufacturing Company Website

The entire world is online. The traffic has skyrocketed. People are trusting websites for many daily and other activities, right from grocery home delivery to major financial transactions. What the viewers expect from the website they visit, is optimum online experience, which is fast and fulfilling. To achieve this, elements of a website are of utmost importance. Let’s have a look at them.

Website Content

“Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust. Trust drives revenue.” – -Andrew Davis

In the digital world, it is said that the content is the king. This backbone of your website should be strong, concise, informative and readable. Thoughtful and interesting content makes your website effective and engaging. Considering short attention spans and fast impressions, your communication should be crisp and easy to read.


First impressions are crucial in the fast-paced digital world. A visually appealing and well-designed websites are more attention grabbing. You should be able to wow your viewers as soon as the web page loads. A simple, clutter-free and accessible design keeps the website well organized and orderly.

Mobile-friendly layout

It is a proven fact that people use their mobile phones as their primary source for online shopping, banking, research and other processes. So, a mobile- friendly layout is the core element of a modern website design. The mobile- a friendly layout must be responsive, adaptable, user-friendly. The text, User Interface and images should be rescaled and resized accordingly.

Colour Palette

The colour scheme of the manufacturing company website plays a great role in making it attractive. While choosing a colour scheme, you should pay attention to your audience- their cultural ethos, tastes, type of professions and preferences. For example, the manufacturing company’s website will look great in corporate, sober colours. A clothing manufacturing website can be vibrant and bold. Use your brand colours smartly.


A readable font in sync with the website’s domain is an ideal choice. The font should be chosen in accordance with the website’s overall design and layout. Arial and Times New Roman fonts are the hot favourites. But the choice is yours. The only thing is that it should be eye-friendly, clean, appropriately sized and web-standard.


The design of the website should be easy to navigate. The items in the menu should be easy to access from any page. They should be at one specific place, so that the viewer knows exactly where they are. The menu should be interactive but functional.

Some examples of excellent manufacturing company websites are- Cisco, IBM and John Deere. Have a look before you delve into yours.

Mock-ups of Manufacturing Websites Designed by WDSOFT

Make Smart Use of Digital Advertising

To showcase your strengths as an industry leader, a manufacturing company needs an effective platform. Digital advertising is just that. It takes your brand and products places. So, do not think twice before investing in digital advertising- the Pay-per-Click (PPC) Ads, Display Ads, Social Media Ads including Facebook, Twitter, Video ads and so on. To optimize quality and to maximize results, consult only a reputed and trusted digital marketing and advertising agency with a proven track record. We at WDSOFT have extensive experience of digital advertising of reputed brands. We would be delighted to take your manufacturing excellence to the world, via digital communication.

Invest in Thoughtful Video production

Video is a very crucial form of media for every manufacturing company. In video production, the manufacturing industry has a definite advantage. There is ample scope to video shoot factories, state-of-the-art machinery, workplaces, cutting-edge technology used. The videos should be uploaded on all major streaming channels and of course your own website.

AMUL Butter Manufacturing Video

AMUL – One of the biggest B2C Food Manufacturing Brand in India. The video portrays the “Butter” manufacturing process and the capabilities of the organization.

Chitale Bandhu

Chitale Bandhu Mithaiwale – Manufacturing Videos are not limited to big giants like AMUL, Parle or Cadbury. Local Brands like “Chitale Bandhu” also utilize Manufacturing Videos for Branding & Trust Building.

Forbes Marshall Manufacturing Video

Forbes Marshall – The Video Showcases Forbes Marshall’s Manufacturing Facility at Chakan, Pune INDIA

Sandvik’s Tube Production Video

SANDVIK – This manufacturing video by SANDVIK

Generate Leads

Digital Marketing has proven to be an impactful way to get leads and email addresses. It is also a great platform to keep in touch with your leads and engage them with your brand. A successful website of a manufacturing company, has robust sales funnels and utilizes personalized solutions to reach out. This helps in creating attractive business deals and opportunities online.

Some of the successful lead nurturing techniques are:

  • Personalized e-mails
  • Content marketing including blogs
  • Social media presence with posts
  • Surveys

Benefits of Digital Marketing over Traditional Marketing

Traditional advertising such as TV ads, magazine ads, hoarding, brochures are still in vogue. But digital advertising has taken the world by storm. And there are reasons. The benefits of digital marketing over traditional marketing are noteworthy.

  • Compared to traditional advertising, its digital counterpart is more economical and cost-effective. Traditional media are more expensive.
  • The content creation for digital marketing is easier and more convenient. The content creation for traditional marketing is complex and time-consuming.
  • Traditional marketing is just one-way communication with the audience, while digital marketing is two-way communication, which is more interactive.
  • In traditional marketing, it is difficult to measure the ROI while digital marketing is data-driven and provides accurate ROI.
  • Audience reach is much vaster and comprehensive in digital marketing compared to traditional marketing.
  • Digital marketing is target-specific. Campaigns can be designed keeping in mind the specific needs of a section of the audience. While in traditional marketing, it is difficult to reach out and communicate to specific target audiences.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO-based ranking is one of the most important elements of a modern website. It goes a long way in ranking your website and making it more visible. Some of the SEO elements such as meta tags, meta description, heading and HTML coding are back end. These elements can be optimized to avail the full benefits of Google’s SEO algorithm.

SEO services are an integral and an important part of the digital marketing for manufacturing companies. Their services help your company achieve Search Engine Optimization and ranking. With well planned SEO, your manufacturing business gets strong visibility on search engines like Google. Your main focus Here are the search results related to your brand, company, industry, products and services.

Some common SEO services

  • Local SEO
  • On-page SEO
  • Off-page SEO
  • SEO audits
  • Technical SEO

While focusing on SEO optimization of your manufacturing company, hire a professional B2B digital marketing agency. Your agency should give you services including SEO Audit, Customized Strategy, Competitor Analysis, Off- page Optimization, On-page Optimization and so on.

Benefits of Search Engine Optimization

1. SEO boosts reliability

If your manufacturing company website ranks high on the result pages of the SEO, it means that it is considered as reliable by the search engines. Successful ranking boosts credibility of your brand.

2. SEO is cost-effective

Search engines are crawling your website round the clock, promoting quality content and leading traffic to your site organically. To benefit the most from SEO, create quality content on your niche subject i.e. manufacturing and share it on your social platforms.

3. Enables content marketing

If your website is content-rich with good images, videos and texts, it will rank higher in search results. If you use optimized keywords, SEO supports your content marketing. All you have to do is to update informative, SEO-friendly content.

4. It maximizes Pay Per Click Campaigns

SEO as unpaid marketing strategy and Pay Per Click as paid marketing strategy work well when combined. Pay Per Click campaigns help your website appear higher in paid search results. So, your PPC campaigns become value for money and give tangible results for your growth.

5. SEO Gives you a Competitive Edge

You should keep in mind that the manufacturing companies which invest a large amount in SEO, do get the competitive advantage. They outrank the competition in the SEO results. An experienced B2B professional digital a marketing agency identifies your competition, does their SWOT analysis and ensures excellent user experience for your site.

6. SEO Expands your Reach

SEO helps you reach out to more and more viewers, Consequently, your manufacturing websites come to the attention of your prospective customers and your business prospects multiply.

7. Measurable Results

SEO helps you in getting results, which can be quantified. Your ranking, client conversions and organic traffic can be tracked. With tools such as Google Analytics, you can see a website user’s engagement journey and search preferences. This will help you in building and improving your SEO strategy.

8. Interaction

An interactive website is successful in engaging the visitors immediately. It also succeeds in retaining their attention through every page. The interaction should be apt and as required. Too much interaction is irritating. Maintaining the balance is the key. An interactive website has proven to lead to conversion faster.

9. Local SEO (Google My Business)

There is a slight difference between general SEO and local SEO. The general SEO helps your business rank higher on a national basis. While local SEO is crucial for targeting area specific audiences. You can reach out to the audiences in your area, generate leads and expand your local business. Have a look at the benefits of local SEO.

  • The most tempting proposition of the local SEO is that it is absolutely FREE and easy and quick to set up. There is no need to create a separate website.
  • Consumers’ first preference is to search in their local areas. The keywords that help businesses rank on a local basis, give better results.
  • Local SEO boosts the organic local traffic to your website and specific web pages in it. This in turn optimizes the visibility of your website, boosts your revenue and takes your brand to the local audience.
  • The conversion rate of local SEO is higher. The local SEO ensures that your brand is instantly visible to your prospective customer. This translates into sales.
  • Local SEO is a very customer-friendly platform which covers a wide range of keywords.
  • The social media like features of the local SEO are a boon for the business. The images and videos can be added to make your content rich and engaging. Also, it facilitates easy communication wherein people can directly call or message the company.
  • Local SEO grants you a free source of local advertising and helps your customers connect to your website at no extra cost. It allows you to display the address and phone number of your business, thus enhancing your web exposure.
  • Local SEO enables you to rank above the Organic Listings and you benefit from higher CTR than Paid and Organic Listings.
  • Local SEO is effective in getting you quality reviews from previous customers. You can urge your customers to give a review. Genuine reviews make a positive difference to your credibility and business growth.
  • The viewers choose the nearest service provider and expect quick turnaround time. Through local SEO you can give quick or immediate service to those who need it urgently.
  • Unlike conventional types of advertising, local SEO is effective in targeting both types of users- desktop as well as mobile. Mobile search is the top priority for local services hence it can be very value-for-money for all types of local business.
  • Local SEO is a good and reliable tool for Online Reputation Management. To design and structure your own local SEO campaign, get in touch with a professional digital advertising and branding agency. We at WDSOFT have experience and expertise in all forms of SEO, including local SEO. Are you ready to receive the local traffic on your website, organically? Then let’s meet.

Case Studies

The best manufacturing websites in the world As a manufacturing company of repute, you should take inspiration from the top-notch manufacturing websites of the world. Here are some highly appreciated websites of global manufacturing companies. They have some common features, which define their excellence. 

  • Highest quality user experience
  • Search Engine optimized design
  • Clear and prominent Call To Action
  • Responsive structural design effective on every device
  • Informative and customer-focused content
  • Quick website experience

Case-Study 1 – Cisco

The homepage of Cisco showcases a well-balanced navigation sequence. Cisco is a huge technology giant and service manufacturer. Their website reflects this stature. The horizontal, three-level menu has images which combine important calendar gates, web security implementation topics and data distribution methods. The blogs are well organized.


Dupont is a global manufacturing leader with an amazing website. The home page section is unique. Instead of taking a bigger background image, slider or a hero image, the website has a series of hover animations for each Call To Actions. Their design is wonderfully mobile-friendly. Navigation is excellent and layout and imagery give clear indication of content searched by customers.

Independent Machine Company

Independent Machine Company is one of the largest machine stores in the US. The website is edgy and excellent in acquainting visitors about the services offered by them. They are mentioned just below the homepage’s image slider. Each description comes with extensive images as examples. Even new visitors can navigate easily.

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