Facebook Marketing Company in Pune

At WDSOFT Facebook Marketing Company Pune, we help small businesses leverage the power of Facebook/Instagram platforms to reach their target audience resulting in elevated brand awareness, more leads & sales. At WDSOFT, we use our Facebook expertise to create value for our clients. Our Facebook Marketing expertise includes Facebook Paid Advertising, Facebook Page/Profile optimization with our proven SMO/SEO techniques, Instagram Branding, and Professional Facebook/Insta Account Management.

Facebook Advertising

ROI-based Facebook advertising solution for small businesses. We combine powerful graphics/videos, and actionable CTAs, with advanced Facebook Advertising features like remarketing and custom & lookalike audiences to drive sales & generate leads. Our Facebook Advertising solutions have become a game-changer for SMEs in Pune. Utilise the potential of Facebook as a low-cost lead generation platform. Our team can create the right type of ad that suits your business. Tried boosting posts but didn’t deliver the expected results? let the experts optimise your Ad campaigns to lower costs, and boost ROI and profits.


Facebook Advertising

Facebook SMO/SEO

Let our digital marketing experts refine and improve your Facebook page for better visibility in search engines & Facebook search. A part of our Local SEO solution, drive high-value organic traffic to your Facebook posts, profile & page. Our strategy helps improve the reach and engagement of individual posts. Our experts are adept with the latest FB best practices to make your content reach a wide audience. Our captivating content engages users generating more followers for your FB page. A brief time-based activity that helps SMEs & professionals elevate their FB property to a professional level for better brand reputation.


Facebook SMO SEO

Facebook Management

You do what you do best, and we do what we do best. Our team of social media marketers, graphics designers, video editors and content writers work together to transform your Facebook Page into a PRO. We work as a Retainer Agency to manage your Facebook page on your behalf, posting content on an agreed-upon calendar. We look after all the Facebook advertising campaigns and regular status updates [posting] in one flexible package. You are free to focus on your core business while experts manage your FB portfolio.

Facebook Management

Facebook Marketing for Local Businesses

Real Estate: Showcase your properties to your target audience across the globe. Attract investors by running hyper niche lead generation Facebook Ads.

Small Businesses: Spread awareness of your business in your locality & beyond. Get more walk-ins, your customers are on FB, are you?

Utility Service Providers: Reach people looking for your services and products. Stay ahead of your competition. 

Healthcare Professionals: Advertise your clinic, and share your success stories Run ads and reach patients proactively.

Education & Coaching: Enrol more students quickly, and boost your online reputation with our Facebook Consulting services.

Hotels & Restaurants: Tempt your audience with enticing food photography. Let your audience taste your food with delicious food photographs. 

Boutiques: Share your latest collections, we know how to put your store online. Connect with customers on Facebook and boost sales.

Spa/Salon: Get new customers with targeted Lead Generation Ads. We help you improve your online reputation.

Professionals: Get new clients daily. Share your success stories run ads and get reviews. Call us for a free consultation.

Facebook Marketing for Local Businesses

What are the benefits of Facebook Marketing?
  • Facebook has around 2.9 billion monthly users, which provides a massive audience for businesses.
  • Through Facebook, you can market your brand according to specific demographics, interests, behaviours, and locations, making reaching your desired audience easier.
  • The cost of Facebook advertising is considerably lower than that of traditional advertising strategies, which is why it is available to businesses of all sizes.
  • Facebook gives businesses a chance to interact with their audience through comments, likes, shares, and direct messages, which enables a closer relationship with clients.
  • Facebook provides data on advertising campaigns, which helps businesses understand the reach and make decisions accordingly.
  • The world has gotten a lot closer to us now that we are living in the twenty-first century. We are only a click away from everything and everyone. Social media has been successful in keeping us in touch with our loved ones. However, it has advanced since then.
  • You can now communicate with your close friends and family in addition to helping your company reach its target market. There are many different social media platforms out there. Facebook, however, was the platform that kicked off the entire social media revolution. It continues to have a sizable daily user base and a ton of potential customers searching for the things they need, and your company may be able to meet those needs. 
  • Facebook is the world’s largest social network with over 2.9 billion active users, more than 35% of the world’s total population. Facebook is the largest social media network in the world and can perform tasks that many of us could not have imagined ten years ago, such as hosting 360-degree videos, selling stuff through a chatbot, or even acting as the primary news source for two-thirds of adults.
  • Facebook began as a social network for close friends and family, but since then it has evolved into a channel that has transformed our conceptions of media, marketing, and technology.
Why go for Facebook and Instagram advertising?
  • Facebook and Instagram are social media platforms that appeal to a broad range of people; Facebook has nearly three billion active users, and over one billion active users are on Instagram.
  • On LinkedIn, you are more likely to find serious users who post more professional content. These two social media platforms provide a platform for regular people to interact with other people daily. Besides that, with so many celebrities, public figures, and notable people on Facebook and Instagram, there is an undeniable attraction. 
  • You have the chance to reach the most prominent target audience on Facebook and Instagram simply based on the number of users—the average user spends about 2 hours per day on both platforms combined. Because they are so highly visual, Facebook and Instagram have an advantage over other platforms. 
  • Facebook and Instagram thrive on their visual content, which can be anything from beautiful photos to intimate videos to humorous GIFs. 
  • Since Facebook and Instagram have billions of users combined, there is a very real possibility that a post will receive tens of thousands of reactions and even more impressions.
How does Facebook help with brand awareness?
  • Any company wishing to build a solid online presence and draw in more customers must prioritise brand awareness. 
  • Facebook is an effective tool for raising brand awareness. The success of Facebook brand awareness campaigns depends on how much time the target audience spends viewing the ads. By examining these statistics, Facebook can determine which users are most likely to recall seeing your advertising campaign. Upcoming Facebook ad optimization for your brand can benefit from the information gathered from brand awareness Facebook ads and understanding your target audience.
  • Businesses can use Facebook ads to make people aware of their brand and engage their target audience. Brand awareness Campaigns frequently have high impression numbers but low levels of measurable attribution. Brand awareness campaigns are not always increasing leads or directly generating sales, but they still play an essential role in any measured digital marketing strategy. They are designed to direct people into your Facebook marketing funnel.
  • Businesses can increase their visibility and expand their reach by developing brand awareness on Facebook. This can raise engagement levels, draw more potential customers to their website, and eventually boost sales.
  • Businesses can use Facebook brand awareness to market their services on a budget.  It is free to set up a Facebook Page, and companies of all sizes can advertise on Facebook with targeted ads for relatively little money.
  • Facebook makes sure that the right audience sees its content by targeting the audience based on demographics, interests, behaviour, and other factors.
  • Building brand awareness on Facebook increases engagement levels among potential customers. High-quality, relevant content shared with the target audience can encourage likes, comments, and shares, allowing potential customers to discuss the product and get excited about it. Which leads to increasing brand awareness and increasing sales.
  • Facebook offers companies informative analytics on their audience, such as demographics, levels of engagement, and more. With the help of this data, marketing techniques can be improved, specific market content can be produced, and data-driven business decisions can be made.
What is your Facebook Management methodology?
  • A lot of activities are involved in social media account management.  Here are some of the activities involved in social media account management: 
  • Developing a social media strategy: Setting objectives, identifying your target market, choosing the platforms to promote, and creating a content plan are all parts of developing a social media strategy.
  • Creating and curating content: To share relevant content with your audience, you must both create original content, such as blog posts, videos, and photos, and curate content from other sources.
  • Scheduling and posting content: Scheduling and publishing content at the most appropriate time for the target audience to see it.
  • Monitoring and responding to comments and messages: Paying attention to comments and messages on social media and replying to them professionally.
  • Engaging with the audience: Actively interacting with the audience through comments, messages, and other forms of communication to establish connections and drive engagement.